About Me

Hi I am Mayank. Thanks for visiting my blog. As a quick intro, I am an engg. graduate and currently working at Mumbai as a software programmer in a company using Microsoft Technologies. Other than my profession I like to read and write some good text and articles on philosophy, Nation and Politics.

I am a free soul like an open book between his friends. I am not a good cook but fond of good food and quite choosy in that. I also love biking and "rough biking" since college days.

Other than my personal ambitions I had a keen wish to add something in the progress of my India.
I make my efforts to bring like minded people at one place to think in the direction of progress of India.
Recently I have some pending projects on Army related to strengthening our cyber security.

If you want to know more about me, you can mail me at my personal id mayank.gpt1@gmail.com or you can join me at facebook. My id is http://www.facebook.com/happy.gpt1 stay in touch and I will keep updating you. Thanks again to devote time here :)

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